Professional identities of spatial planners at regional level in the context of wind energy developments: a poststructuralist perspective


  • Markus Leibenath Leibniz-Institut für ökologische RaumentwicklungDresden, Deutschland



Spatial planners, Wind energy, Subjectivation, Subject positions, Subjectification, Techniques of the self


If one wants to understand spatial planning, then one needs to know about the self-conceptions and professional identities of the key actors. So far, this has hardly been the object of scientific inquiries in Germany. This paper relies on a research design that analyses professional identities as resulting from the interplay of external discursive interpellations and own practices of identity work. It examines the roles, which are assigned to spatial planners at regional level in Germany, and how planners themselves perceive and shape their professional identities. The empirical part uses textual analyses and autobiographic narrative interviews to elucidate subject positions in published documents. It furthermore shows, which discursive interpellations spatial planners see themselves exposed to, which standards and norms they define for their professional work, which techniques of the self they employ und which tensions they perceive in this regard. The results tie in with international research on planners' roles and identities. The findings call on planning practitioners to reflect upon individual practices and existing opportunities of identity work.


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How to Cite

Leibenath M. Professional identities of spatial planners at regional level in the context of wind energy developments: a poststructuralist perspective. RuR [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];77(2):165-80. Available from:
