Conjoint analysis

A technique for commercial planning


  • Hanns Werner Bonny Büro für Raumplanung Städtebau + Architektur, Planquadrat Dortmund, Gutenbergstraße 34, 44139, Dortmund





This article discusses the potential of conjoint analysis. This method of analysis provides a means of quantifying the gains accruing to enterprises from both individual product components and from commercial sites. Analysis of this type must be preceded by and based upon a preference ranking of a number of systematically varied commercial sites. The procedure — i.e. conjoint analysis, a tool which has now been established for several years in marketing analysis — is explained with reference to a number of examples taken from commercial planning. The article also makes a plea for a more differentiated view of commercial planning; it also outlines the scope for price-based planning.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Werner Bonny H. Conjoint analysis: A technique for commercial planning. RuR [Internet]. 1999 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];57(1):46–52. Available from:
