Activity spaces of temporary residents in German cities: The interplay between everyday places and well-being places Authors Maya Willecke RWTH Aachen DOI: Keywords: Temporary living arrangements, Qualitative activity space research, Everyday practices, Well-being, Home Abstract Increasing mobilities, individualisation and flexibilisation of life, as well as temporary work arrangements, lead to residential and living arrangements that are not conceived as permanent but often as temporary. The everyday life of people living temporarily in cities differ from that of permanent residents, as it is associated with limited stays, presences, and absences. Activity spaces, understood as the set of all locations which the individual uses in day-to-day activities, offer a useful opportunity to explore the everyday lives of temporary residents. This paper uses narrative interviews and a cognitive map to investigate the activity spaces of temporary residents in the two German city regions Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig. The qualitative study focuses on activities, interactions and constraints associated with the respective everyday places. In addition, an emotional aspect is considered, that is conceptualised through places of well-being and provides insights into senses of belonging. A typification of temporary residents’ activity spaces reveals that places of well-being in particular should be given more attention in the future, as they significantly influence a feeling of being at home in the city. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft (Hrsg.) (2021): Multilocal living and spatial development. Hannover. = Positionspapier aus der ARL 123. a, b Baumgart, S.; Rüdiger, A. (2022): Gesundheit in der Stadtplanung. Instrumente, Verfahren, Methoden. 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How to Cite 1.Willecke M. Activity spaces of temporary residents in German cities: The interplay between everyday places and well-being places. RuR [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];82(6):488-501. Available from: More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Share
A new Issue has been published December 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 6 (2024) is now available on our website.
A new Issue has been published October 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 5 (2024) is now available on our website.
A new Issue has been published August 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 4 (2024) is now available on our website.