Conceptualising Quality in Spatial Planning Authors Gernot Stöglehner Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur, Institut für Raumplanung, Umweltplanung und BodenordnungWien, Austria DOI: Keywords: Planning quality, planning content, planning methodology, planning process, legal compliance, spatial planning, role of planners Abstract Quality discourses help to legitimate professions. This article therefore addresses the crucial question of how quality can be framed in spatial planning. Based on the context of spatial planning in Austria, this article introduces a normative framework for quality in spatial planning that considers the four dimensions of content, planning methodology, planning process and legal compliance, and shows howthese four dimensions are interlinked. Furthermore, it discusses how quality can be enhanced by concerted governmental action and further education for planners. It is argued that planners might need to adopt a new role as 'teachers' in planning processes to facilitate societal learning processes in order to raise the quality of planning. Finally, it is concluded that the quality debate in spatial planning can be useful to calibrate expectations of planners and society to directly influence sustainable spatial development through spatial planning, to communicate achievements in planning, to raise awareness for sustainable spatial development, and to improve legal frameworks, planning methodology, and planners' training and further education. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References Abart-Heriszt L.; Stöglehner, G. (2018): Das Sachbereichskonzept Energie: Ein Beitrag zum Örtlichen Entwicklungskonzept. Leitfaden, Kurzfassung 1.0. Herausgegeben vom Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung. Graz. Alexander, E.R. (2002): The Public Interest in Planning: From Legitimation to Substantive Plan Evaluation. 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A new Issue has been published June 28, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 3 (2024) is now available on our website.
Call for papers for a special issue on: Planning for sustainability transformations: Theoretical approaches, practical experiences, and political consequences June 3, 2024 Call for papers for a special issue onPlanning for sustainability transformations: Theoretical approaches, practical experiences, and political consequences