Land Use and Biological Diversity in Germany – To What Extent Can Large Protected Areas Contribute to Sustainability?


  • Peter Meyer Sachgebiet Waldnaturschutz/Naturwaldforschung, Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt, Grätzelstraße 2, 37079, Göttingen, Deutschland
  • Laura Demant Sachgebiet Waldnaturschutz/Naturwaldforschung, Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt, Grätzelstraße 2, 37079, Göttingen, Deutschland
  • Jan Prinz Umweltplan GmbH Stralsund, Tribseer Damm 2, 18437, Stralsund, Deutschland



Sustainability, Forestry, Agriculture, Large protected areas, Biological diversity, Evaluation, Indicators


Agriculture and forestry play a central role in preserving biological diversity. In this context, we examined the attributes and present state of sustainability of agriculture and forestry in respect of biological diversity in Germany. Additionally, we asked whether large protected areas can serve as model sites for the integration of land use and conservation or as priority areas for nature conservation. Sustainable land use is a way of managing natural resources to meet present needs without limiting future generations in fulfilling their needs. The main attribute of sustainability is the implementation of a management system that safeguards potential multifunctional use. The indicator systems implemented on the national level in Germany to evaluate sustainability of agriculture and forestry are shown to be incomplete in respect of biological diversity and do not always contain target values. With the different types of large protected areas in Germany different targets are pursued. While national parks exclude agriculture and forestry to a large extent and therefore serve as priority areas for conservation, nature parks and biosphere reserves aim at the integration of land use and nature protection. Large protected areas in Germany do not exhibit a representative spatial distribution. In order to render nature parks and biosphere reserves to model sites for the integration of land use and nature conservation their management needs to be improved considerably and an even more systematic conservation planning should be pursued. In contrast, national parks already reveal that they will fulfill their task as priority sites for nature conservation in the near future.


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How to Cite

Meyer P, Demant L, Prinz J. Land Use and Biological Diversity in Germany – To What Extent Can Large Protected Areas Contribute to Sustainability?. RuR [Internet]. 2016 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 16];74(6):495–508. Available from: