Global localities/local worlds

On the constitution of the scope of local action in the late modern age


  • Knut Henkel Hellweg 28, 44787, Bochum





Is local politics not — or no longer — possible today? Hand in hand with the dissolution of localities as socially integrated communities, there has also been a dissolution of the traditional scope for action. This disintegration is heightened by current processes of socioeconomic and political restructuring. Scope for local action still has to be developed by linking the global and the local, the municipality and the civil society. Regime theory provides valuable assistance in helping us to comprehend this challenge. It shows that through establishing strategic exclusion mechanisms it is possible to co-ordinate productively the actions of a number of different protagonists, even in the absence of formal agreements or social integration.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Henkel K. Global localities/local worlds: On the constitution of the scope of local action in the late modern age. RuR [Internet]. 2000 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 20];58(1):3–12. Available from: