Spatial planning — its political role in a changed world

Exemplified by Switzerland, a special case?


  • Martin Lendi Rechtsanwalt, em. o. Prof. für Rechtswissenschaft, ETH Zürich, Küsnacht/Zürich



political role of spatial planning, spatial circumstances and processes in Switzerland, spatial planning in a federal state, democratic legitimation, amendment of the Swiss Regional Planning Act, regulatory policy


As a public responsibility, spatial planning is in competition with other public functions. If, in what way and with which level of persuasive power it can actively act, depends, among other things, on the degree of attention it gets from public, parliament, government, and administration, and in a federal republic, from states, regions and communities. In addition to the attention it manages to attract, other factors also play a major role in its effectiveness, mainly democratic legitimation, but also its usefulness to other public functions. Its political status is an outcome of all relevant factors. If the status is low, spatial planning will have difficult times, if it is high, it can count on favourable conditions. Because the term has not been scientifically defined, a phenomenon has emerged that is illustrated by the history of Swiss spatial planning: its political standing must be constantly and diligently reattained.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Lendi M. Spatial planning — its political role in a changed world: Exemplified by Switzerland, a special case?. RuR [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 May 2];66(5):383–397. Available from: