Patent applications in the Ruhr area — Strengths and weaknesses compared by agglomerations


  • Ricarda Kampmann FH Gelsenkirchen, Neidenburger Straße 43, 45877, Gelsenkirchen



agglomerations, the Ruhr area, research and development activities, patent applications, environment of innovations


Patent applications — a result of innovation activities and a leading indicator for technical developments — are concentrated in agglomerations. Therefore, patent applications from the Ruhr Area are compared with those in other urban centres. Their level and development within the Ruhr area are below average. Nevertheless, they possess certain strengths: in some technical fields such as chemistry an above-average proportion and development can be observed. In addition, there is a bigger variability of patent applications within the Ruhr area than in other regions. Additionally, there are other nearby areas with a high level of researching activities in NRW. Consequently, networking seems to be more promising than in other federal states in Germany.


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Policy and practice perspective

How to Cite

Kampmann R. Patent applications in the Ruhr area — Strengths and weaknesses compared by agglomerations. RuR [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 May 5];66(5):440–449. Available from: