Sustainable growth, competitiveness and employment: Will EU cohesion policy deliver on the lisbon strategy?


  • John Bachtler European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, 40 George Street, G1 1QE, Glasgow, UK
  • Irene McMaster European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, 40 George Street, G1 1QE, Glasgow, UK



The relaunched “growth and jobs” agenda of the EU is reflected in the Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion. These have influenced the content of the new Structural Funds programmes, with increased importance accorded to innovation, knowledge and entrepre-neurship. There is evidence of a more strategic approach to economic development and a stronger prioritisation of support. Whether this makes a difference to the Lisbon agenda depends on how the programme objectives are implemented as well as the broader regulatory and other changes required in National Reform Programmes. Convincing Member States of the importance of Cohesion policy also depends on the impact of the Funds being identifiable.


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Research in 2005 was originally carried out for a background paper for the UK Presidency: Bachtler, J.; Gross, T.; McMaster, I.: Delivering the Lisbon and Gothenburg Agendas. Paper for the UK Presidency Conference “Regional and Rural Development Programmes (2007–2013)”. Newcastle-Gateshead, 7–8 November 2005. The 2006 research was carried out under the auspices of the IQ-Net programme and reported in: Polverari, L.; McMaster, I.; Gross, E; Bachtler, J.; Ferry, M.; Yuill, D: Strategic Planning for Structural Funds in 2007–2013: A Review of Strategies and Programmes. IQ-Net Thematic Paper 18 (2006) 2; and Bachtler, J.; Ferry, M.; Méndez, C; McMaster, I.: The 2007–13 Operational Programmes: A Preliminary Assessment. IQ-Net Thematic Paper 19 (2007) 2, EPRC Glasgow

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Sources for the above are: European Commission: National Strategic Reference Framework, Hungary 2007–2013. Position Paper Commission Services, based on draft version of June 2006, 1.10.06, Brussels 2006; European Commission: National Strategic Reference Framework, Poland 2007–2013. 2nd Position Paper Commission Services, based on draft version of August 2006, 1.10.06, Brussels 2006; European Commission: National Strategic Reference Framework, Estonia 2007–2013. Working Draft Position Paper Commission Services, 13.10.06, Brussels 2006; European Commission: National Strategic Reference Framework, Slovenia 2007–2013. First draft assessment by DG REGIO and DG EMPL, 18.7.06, Brussels 2006

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Research Article

How to Cite

Bachtler J, McMaster I. Sustainable growth, competitiveness and employment: Will EU cohesion policy deliver on the lisbon strategy?. RuR [Internet]. 2007 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 3];65(4):259–274. Available from:
