Identifying and analysing industry clusters

The case of Potsdam-Babelsberg's film industry


  • Christoph Scheuplein Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeographie, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Postfach 1786, 15207, Frankfurt/Oder





Although cluster approaches in regional development policy have gained popularity, methods of identifying and analyzing industry clusters are still unsatisfactory. This paper presents a procedure first to delimit the objective and spatial characteristics of a cluster, second to show the interconnection between firms, and third to enable an interregional comparison between clusters. These procedures rely on regional statistical methods combined with a survey of companies and cluster institutions. The evaluation demonstrates on the one hand how economic actors are bound in a functional interrelation of a value added chain and on the other hand what kind of transaction and communication network is built by these same economic actors. From that evaluation, qualitative and quantitative criteria are provided to assess clusters. This method has been tested on the example of the film industry in Potsdam-Babelsberg.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Scheuplein C. Identifying and analysing industry clusters: The case of Potsdam-Babelsberg’s film industry. RuR [Internet]. 2002 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 20];60(2):123–135. Available from: