Mapping access to medical service provision at micro-scale: Dynamics in supply and demand in Germany




Access , medical service provision, population dynamics, primary care, spatial planning


This paper demonstrates an approach to the problem of micro-scale analysis of medical service provision in Germany. Research focuses include estimating population dynamics, mapping access to medical facilities and identifying spatial patterns in medical service provision. We applied the Enhanced Two Step Floating Catchment Area method to quantify changes in access to primary care physicians over a period of eleven years. Our study reveals that overall access is modestly rising, but significant spatial disparities exist between different regions of Germany. We describe both supply and demand issues behind the observed changes in access. As a key result, we identify four types of regions with differing access-population dynamics. Our main conclusion on the topic of medical service provision is that spatial planning is facing a multi-dimensional problem rather than a one-dimensional one, and that access to services depends on a combination of factors. Concerning differences between rural and urban regions, we find that that there is no general positive or negative trend for either.


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Issue publication date 2024-08-30 (version 2)
Published online first 2024-07-19 (version 1)




Research Article

How to Cite

Reiter D, Hecht R, Jehling M. Mapping access to medical service provision at micro-scale: Dynamics in supply and demand in Germany. RuR [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];82(4):322-37. Available from:
