Towards Normality: Planning-related Protests and Reactions by Planning


  • Grischa Frederik Bertram Universität Kassel, Stadterneuerung und PlanungstheorieKassel, Deutschland
  • Uwe Altrock Universität Kassel, Stadterneuerung und PlanungstheorieKassel, Deutschland



Protest, Participation, Planning policy, Typology, Berlin


The paper argues for a stronger distinction within planning protests, which is today an everyday part of planning practice. Furthermore, it is argued that the diversity of planning protest can also be used for differentiated reactions of planning practitioners. It is possible and sensible to adopt theories from protest and social movements research to better understand protest in planning, yet specifications for planning-related protest are needed. Planning protests are understood as collective action and form of local political participation, which takes place independently participation offers and has a relation to local spatial planning. Based on an empirical survey and statistical analysis of more than four hundred planning-related citizen protests in Berlin between 2005 and 2015, supported by two qualitative case studies, a typology of nine protest types will be developed, that is specific in time and place. The causes and claims articulated in the framing of protesters are understood as alternative approaches to solving planning problems. In particular, a distinction is made between situational and planning-dependent as well as initiative and reactive types of protest. Differences in content appear to be of special importance for the current protests, but also underline its political character. Yet, they are only part of the phenomenological diversity of planning protest and reactions therefore are to be differentiated for every individual case. This will be highlighted with regard to protests that are organised either by affected or unaffected citizens.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Bertram GF, Altrock U. Towards Normality: Planning-related Protests and Reactions by Planning. RuR [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 12];78(2):185-201. Available from:
