Land value trends of developed land in flood plains. An economic approach




Flood, Risk prevention, Land value, Citizen participation, Saxony


2002, 2010, 2013 – from time to time, Germany is hit by severe flood events. In addition to these large-scale events, local floods tend to periodically catch the population unprepared and cause losses running into billion Euro. So far, technical measures for flood protection have been provided publicly but the remaining risks are in the responsibility of the people concerned. Therefore, approaches relying on economic instruments should come into focus to develop a more efficient and equitable system. Based on the examination of land value trends of developed land in eleven high-risk cities in the Federal State of Saxony for the years 2000 to 2016, this article investigates the question whether there is an impact of flood risk on the valuation of land. On the one hand, flood plains and unaffected regions are compared in a descriptive way; on the other hand, a multiple linear regression illustrates the link between land values and flood hazard. While a decreasing development can be detected for land values in almost all areas considered, it turns out to be more pronounced in fixed flood areas. According to the current state of research, the regression shows that the situation of a flood region is significant for land values. To counteract this negative value development, it is even more important to minimise the risk of flooding, especially in built-up areas, or to lower the risk. Preventive flood protection, transparency in spatial planning, financial incentives for buildings, and citizen participation in spatial planning can help achieving this aim.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Brödner R. Land value trends of developed land in flood plains. An economic approach. RuR [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 31 [cited 2024 Nov. 11];76(5):407–418. Available from:
