Digital local supply on the rise? Determinants of multi- and cross-channel shopping behaviour in grocery retailing Authors Thomas Wieland Karlsruher Institut für Technologie DOI: Keywords: Grocery retailing, local supply, online retailing, click and collect, store choice model Abstract Multi- and cross-channel integration of German grocery retailing appears in terms of online-based delivery services and click-and-collect offers by established supermarkets. However, these trends raise the question whether digital services may complement established distribution channels, especially with respect to local supply. This paper describes the investigation of the maindeterminants of spatial shopping behaviour in the food retail sector. In particular, it was examinedwhether grocery stores can benefit from the click-and-collect option and which factors determine the choice ofshopping location if both stationary and online providers are available. Individual store choices and the related expenditures at groceryretailers are investigated using a micro-econometric store choice model (hurdle model) based on a representative customer survey in two German regions (South Lower Saxony, Region Middle Upper Rhine). Pure grocery online retailing is found to have little relevance, whilst supermarkets gain little profit from offering the click-and-collect option. The likelihood of buying groceries online can be explained by psychographiccharacteristics of the consumers. In a situation where consumers may choose between offline and online retailers, channel-specific transaction costs (driving time, shipping charges) can be identified as important determinants of store choice. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References Anders, S. (2018): Standortkonkurrenz von Lebensmittelmärkten. Frühzeitige Abschätzung und Bewertung der Auswirkungen neuer Märkte. 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From Vol. 77 No. 1 to Vol. 79 No.1, articles were published under a CC BY-SA license. Earlier volumes have been re-published by oekom 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0. How to Cite 1.Wieland T. Digital local supply on the rise? Determinants of multi- and cross-channel shopping behaviour in grocery retailing. RuR [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];79(2):116-35. Available from: More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Share
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