Actors, the Actor Network and Their Impact on Public Space Management: Social Network Analysis as a Method Authors Dahae Lee Technical University of Dortmund DOI: Keywords: Public space management, park management, social network analysis, network theory Abstract Public space is an essential element of cities as it offers several benefits. Due to its significance, there is much discussion of its design, development and use. Although equally important, the management of public space lacks attention in academia and policy. This is regrettable given concerns about the quality of public space and calls for substantial changes in public space management. Moreover, while multi-actor involvement in public space management has become popular, its impact has been less studied. This paper attempts to fill the research gap by presenting an empirical study on Görlitzer Park in Berlin, Germany. Thereby, it focuses on multi-actor involvement in public space management. Based on the results of social network analysis, the paper provides a valuable insight into the actors involved, the actor network and their impact on public space management. Most importantly, the paper argues that the structure of the actor network matters for managing public space. This suggests that improving the actor network can be a key to enhancing the quality of public space. The paper also discusses how to improve communication between actors to better manage public space. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin (2013): Integratives Parkmanagement 2011-2013. Görlitzer Park. Berlin. Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg von Berlin (2016): Handlungskonzept Görlitzer Park. Berlin. Borgatti, S.P.; Halgin, D.S. (2011): On network theory. In: Organization Science 22, 5, 1168–1181. Borgatti, S.P.; Ofem, B. (2010): Overview: Social network theory and analysis. In: Daly, A.J. 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Articles in Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning are published under a Creative Commons license. From Vol. 79 No. 2 (2021), the license applied is CC BY 4.0. From Vol. 77 No. 1 to Vol. 79 No.1, articles were published under a CC BY-SA license. Earlier volumes have been re-published by oekom 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0. How to Cite 1.Lee D. Actors, the Actor Network and Their Impact on Public Space Management: Social Network Analysis as a Method. RuR [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];81(4):373-87. Available from: More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Share
A new Issue has been published December 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 6 (2024) is now available on our website.
A new Issue has been published October 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 5 (2024) is now available on our website.
A new Issue has been published August 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 4 (2024) is now available on our website.