New Methods in Mobility Analysis: The Combination of GPS-Tracking with Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Context of Tourism


  • Hans-Jörg L. Weber Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Werthmannstraße 4, 79098, Freiburg, Deutschland
  • Michael Bauder Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Werthmannstraße 4, 79098, Freiburg, Deutschland



GPS-Tracking, Mobility, Principal component analysis, Geographic information system, Mobility patterns, Tourism


Due to its structural complexity, the analysis of mobility patterns requires a combination of individual methods. In the first part the socio-scientific methods of mobility acquisition will be discussed in the context of tourism. It will be demonstrated, that individual methods cannot cope with the demand for socio-scientific differentiation of mobility patterns. Analysis on this new level will only be possible when using a consistent method design, composed of GPS-Tracking, questionnaire and text analysis, which unions the individual person, activity and mobility in space. In the second part of this paper, the method of differentiating mobility patterns will be explained. It will be shown, that the variable (touristic) practice in terms of Bourdieu is suitable for the explanation of individual activity and for the differentiation of mobility patterns. The combination of individual (questionnaire) and spatial data (GPS-Tracking) is based on the principal component analysis. It will be shown how the characteristic groups can be spatially represented in a Geographic Information System using the GPS-data and fed back with the results of the text analysis (guidebook). The successful combination of GPS-Tracking with quantitative and qualitative methods will be explained in the third section on the basis of practical examples. It will be provided evidence, that qualitative and quantitative methods can be successfully used together, GPS data can be differentiated based on socio-scientific variables and practices and individuals are interlinked in space.


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How to Cite

Weber H-JL, Bauder M. New Methods in Mobility Analysis: The Combination of GPS-Tracking with Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Context of Tourism. RuR [Internet]. 2013 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];71(2):99–113. Available from:
