The use of surface structures in the description of urban spaces

A contribution to the mapping, analysis and evaluation of sustainable yrban development: The example of Munich


  • Jörg Weber Landeshauptstadt München Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt, RGU 115 Umweltvorsorge in der räumlichen Planung, Bayerstraße 28a, 80335, München
  • Martin Sandtner Abteilung Humangeographie/ Stadt- und Regionalforschung, Geographisches Institut der Universität Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 16, CH-4056, Basel





The urban ecology of a town is shaped to a very considerable extent by the fabric of built structures and spaces (referred to here as surface structures) in the various sections of the urban territory. This paper presents a classificatory code developed for the purpose of mapping such structures and spaces and describes the cartographic procedure employed. This code can be used for the analogue/visual interpretation of large-scale aerial photographs. The authors draw on experience gathered in the course of a land survey conducted in 1988 for the territory of Munich, the Bavarian state capital, subsequently up-dated in 1996. The main focus of the forms of classification described is on issues of urban ecology relating to the mapping, analysis and evaluation of sustainable urban development.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Weber J, Sandtner M. The use of surface structures in the description of urban spaces: A contribution to the mapping, analysis and evaluation of sustainable yrban development: The example of Munich. RuR [Internet]. 1999 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Apr. 26];57(5-6):410–417. Available from: