Possibilities of evaluating the Regional Joint Preparatory Land Use Plan as exemplified by the Ruhr area Authors Kim Pollermann Institut für ländliche Räume, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesallee 50, 38116, Braunschweig DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03183134 Keywords: preparatory land-use planning, regional planning, evaluation, Ruhr, cooperation Abstract By implementing the “Regionalen Flächennutzungsplan” (RFNP, in sense of a regional joint preparatory land-use plan), “preparatory land-use planning” and “regional planning” are pooled together to one planning. This article shows possibilities for an evaluation of such a planning. First, basic characteristics of the RFNP and the results of a survey about the image of the RFNP are presented. After having given an introduction about options for the systematisation of the RFNP-process as well as about the difficulties to find a definition of its success, different modules for an evaluation step by step are elaborated. 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