Networks of knowledge in the state of Brandenburgs Urban Reneration Programme — analysis and recommendations


  • Kerstin Büttner Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (IRS), Flakenstraße 28-31, 15537, Erkner
  • Christiane Droste Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (IRS), Flakenstraße 28-31, 15537, Erkner
  • Bastian Lange Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (IRS), Flakenstraße 28-31, 15537, Erkner
  • Gerhard Mahnken Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung (IRS), Flakenstraße 28-31, 15537, Erkner



With all their strength, the East German states are struggling to maintain the highly mobile resource “human capital”. In the meantime, there was even a suggestion to reimburse the tuition fees to everybody who would also after his degree stay in the state where he or she studied. Increasingly the question arises, how knowledge building infrastructures might, beyond their function as resource for learning and training, promote the development of attractive socio-spatial areas. The following article will analyse four knowledge networks and their key actors, practitioners and policies and will provide recommendations for action, which are probably relevant even out of range of the state of Brandenburg.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Büttner K, Droste C, Lange B, Mahnken G. Networks of knowledge in the state of Brandenburgs Urban Reneration Programme — analysis and recommendations. RuR [Internet]. 2005 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];63(6):423–431. Available from:
