Energy transition in the Rhenish mining area – Implications of project funding for green path development Authors Mascha Aring Universität zu Köln Moritz Breul Geographisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Otto-Fischer-Str. 4, 50674 Köln Javier Revilla Diez Geographisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Otto-Fischer-Str. 4, 50674 Köln DOI: Keywords: Structural change, Sustainability transformation, Green path development, Energy transition, Rhenish mining area Abstract Abstract With the phase-out of lignite, the Rhenish mining area is at the beginning of a transformation process that will take decades. Structural funds of almost 15 billion euros are to be allocated as project funding until 2038. The basis for this is the economic and structural programme and a regional consensus with representatives of the region. The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent the funding project selection helps to establish green development paths and move closer to the ambitious goal of a sustainable model region for energy supply and production. For this purpose, the characteristics of 22 submitted projects in the “Zukunftsfeld” energy and industry are analysed with regard to a typology of green paths. With the help of nine interviews, framework conditions (design of the funding process and resource endowment of the actors) that influence green path development processes in the Rhenish Revier could be identified. Path renewal processes of the regional industry as well as path creation dynamics especially in the hydrogen sector can be found. Overall, the project selection is determined by a high proportion of knowledge institutions, whose participation is favoured by the framework conditions. 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Downloads PDF (German) HTML (German) XML (German) Published Issue publication date 2022-10-28 (version 2)Published online first 2022-09-19 (version 1) Versions 2022-10-28 (2) 2022-09-19 (1) Issue Vol. 80 No. 5 (2022) Section Policy and practice perspective License Copyright (c) 2022 Mascha Aring, Moritz Breul, Javier Revilla Diez This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Articles in Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning are published under a Creative Commons license. From Vol. 79 No. 2 (2021), the license applied is CC BY 4.0. From Vol. 77 No. 1 to Vol. 79 No.1, articles were published under a CC BY-SA license. Earlier volumes have been re-published by oekom 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0. How to Cite 1.Aring M, Breul M, Revilla Diez J. Energy transition in the Rhenish mining area – Implications of project funding for green path development. RuR [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];80(5):588-600. Available from: More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Share
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A new Issue has been published October 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 5 (2024) is now available on our website.
A new Issue has been published August 30, 2024 A new issue of the Open-Access-Journal "Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning" has been published. Volume 82 No. 4 (2024) is now available on our website.