Balancing, alternatives and variants in municipal planning processes: general considerations and results of an empirical analysis




Balancing , Alternatives , Variants , Planning processes, Urban planning


Balancing in general and balancing alternatives and variants can be seen as a core component of the work of planners. Against the backdrop of current social challenges, the complexity of these balancing processes is increasing. From a planning science perspective, however, the question of the balancing process has only begun to be analysed. To date, there are only a few empirical studies that have explicitly focussed on balancing processes in Germany. This is where this paper starts by focusing on urban planning, investigating what planners understand by balancing alternatives and variants and how the balancing process is presented in everyday planning. To this end, 19 qualitative interviews were conducted with public and private sector planners. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results confirm the central role of balancing processes in everyday planning and emphasise the need for further research to understand these processes’ complexity and significance.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Müller CJ, Bongers-Römer S, Bakunowitsch J, Diller C. Balancing, alternatives and variants in municipal planning processes: general considerations and results of an empirical analysis. RuR [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 24 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];. Available from:


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