Creativity-enhancing work environments: Eventisation through an inspiring work atmosphere in temporary proximity


  • Madeleine Wagner Universität Heidelberg, Geographisches InstitutHeidelberg, Deutschland
  • Anna Growe Universität Heidelberg, Geographisches InstitutHeidelberg, Deutschland



Creativity-enhancing environments, temporary spatial proximity, knowledge creation, Design thinking, eventisation


The objective of this paper is to understand how work processes and the quality of physical places support creative knowledge generation. The creation of knowledge is linked to both social space and physical place, and is influenced by steady socio-spatial dynamics. In workplaces, the space-time dynamics of knowledge creation coincide with the physical characteristics of place. On the basis of qualitative interviews with Design thinking workshop facilitators, as well as participants, the influence of three types of creative support (psychosocial, inspirational and functional) is linked to the elements of place, people and process in this specific innovation method. This paper discusses in which ways place, people and process contribute to creating a creativity-enhancing workspace and inspiring atmosphere in temporary spatial proximity. Eventisation of the innovation process, and interaction in temporary spatial proximity, are important prerequisites for keeping knowledge creation exciting.


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How to Cite

Wagner M, Growe A. Creativity-enhancing work environments: Eventisation through an inspiring work atmosphere in temporary proximity. RuR [Internet]. 2020 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];78(1):53-70. Available from:


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