The Great Transformation for Sustainable Spatial Development as a Challenge for University Education




Sustainable spatial development, Great transformation, University teaching, Germany, Spatial studies programs


Climatic and ecological changes across the globe represent a challenge for humanity that can only be solved through a great transformation, that is, a widespread shift toward sustainable spatial development. This means addressing transformation needs in all systems to recognize that civil society, economies and politics are all predetermined by planetary boundaries. This transformation demands that the fields of applied spatial science and spatial planning identify strategies and solutions. This paper examines the extent to which these topics are already being addressed by the university-level spatial studies programs currently training future planners. It develops and examines criteria for evaluating these programs using guideline-based interviews and literature research to perform detailed analysis of selected programs. The study demonstrates that not only specialist knowledge, but also personal and methodological skills are crucial to the success for far-reaching change processes and, ultimately, a society-wide paradigm shift. In some cases, these skills are already being addressed by individual spatial studies programs, especially planning programs. However, there remains a need to accelerate the cultivation of independent learning skills and collaboration in inter- and transdisciplinary teams. Accordingly, this paper proposes a differentiated view of teaching and learning formats in higher education and encourages deepening the focus of spatial studies programs on sustainability and transformation issues.


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Issue publication date 2024-10-30 (version 2)
Published online first 2024-10-18 (version 1)




Research Article

How to Cite

Wagner M, Knieling J, Weiland U. The Great Transformation for Sustainable Spatial Development as a Challenge for University Education. RuR [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];82(5):405-21. Available from:


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