The Added Value of Organized Neighbourhood Assistance – Illustrated by the Example of the Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark


  • Tatjana Fischer Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur, Institut für Raumplanung, Umweltplanung und Bodenordnung, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190, Wien, Österreich
  • Paul Himmelbauer Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur, Institut für Raumplanung, Umweltplanung und Bodenordnung, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190, Wien, Österreich
  • Markus Jobst Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation, Technische Universität Wien, Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1/120-6, 1040, Wien, Österreich



Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark, Austria, Time banks, Quality of life, Security of supply, Organized neighbourhood assistance


assistance using the example of the Styrian time bank called Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark for the quality of life of the participants and its contribution to everyday life of various population groups. The theoretical backdrop of this contribution is formed by the findings from the international discussion on the impact orientation of time banks that ascribe to them a certain importance for social inclusion, to strengthen communities and to mitigate the negative effects of economic deprivation. This paper investigates if and to what extent the findings for the Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark (founded in 2011) fit in the international results. For this purpose, data on membership, offer advertisements and on demand as well as the latest network meeting result protocol have been analysed. Additionally, the responsible staff members of the Landentwicklung Steiermark as well as the coordinators of the local time bank groups have been surveyed. The analysis of the result protocol of the latest network meeting confirms the validity of the subjective estimations of the experts. Empirical data show that women and people aged 50 to 69 years form the backbone of the Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark. Barter activities are less important than joint activities and there is no reciprocity or rather mutual exchange. Nevertheless, this time bank has positive case-by-case effects on the subjective quality of life of the (active) participants. The future existence of the Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark and its impacts on securing livelihoods is closely tied to stable basic infrastructures at the local level, professional support and a clear portfolio.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Fischer T, Himmelbauer P, Jobst M. The Added Value of Organized Neighbourhood Assistance – Illustrated by the Example of the Zeit-Hilfs-Netz Steiermark. RuR [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 28];75(6):543–561. Available from: