Super-Gentrification and Metropolitan Habitus: A Critique of Recent Concepts in British Gentrification Research


  • Peter Dirksmeier Geographisches Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099, Berlin, Deutschland



Gentrification, Residential Capital, Metropolitan Habitus, Super-gentrification, Urban geography


the paper discusses the two theoretical concepts super-gentrification and metropolitan habitus established by British gentrification research. Both concepts are more or less unknown in German urban geography. Super-gentrification is looking at the gentrification of already gentrified urban neighbourhoods. Metropolitan habitus explains the affinity of specific social groups for very specific neighbourhoods in big cities. the paper starts with criticising both concepts for their missing explanation of influences of the qualities of urban space on habitus and super-gentrification. Secondly,the paper introduces the concept of residential capital, be un- derstood as inclusion of spatial qualities in social practices. in doing so, the theoretical gap of metropolitan habitus and super-gentrification can be bridged. In conclusion, the paper identifies some research questions for German urban geo- graphy that might be answered with the help of metropoli- tan habitus, super-gentrification and embedded residential capital.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Dirksmeier P. Super-Gentrification and Metropolitan Habitus: A Critique of Recent Concepts in British Gentrification Research. RuR [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 14];68(6):447–457. Available from:
