Prevention of hazardous incidents by urban and regional planning


  • Claudia Dinkloh Domänenstraße 16, 44225, Dortmund



The prevention of hazardous incidents belongs to the responsibility of spatial planning, but is not yet systematically considered in decisions of spatial planning. This article researches, how instruments of urban and regional planning can contribute to the prevention of hazardous incidents in technical establishments and how these instruments can be optimized or improved. The author outlines the existing laws, decrees and directives, which affect the risk management of spatial planning. The development of a three-phase risk-information-system enables the derivation of different risk-areas for a better consideration of technical risks by urban and regional planning.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Dinkloh C. Prevention of hazardous incidents by urban and regional planning. RuR [Internet]. 2004 May 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 28];62(3):185–192. Available from: