Spatial planning and sustainable settlement development

Are today's planning concepts and procedures worth persevering with?


  • Axel Priebs Kommunalverband Großraum Hannover, Arnswaldtstraße 19, 30159, Hannover





This article discusses the significance of the classical instruments of planning for sustainable settlement development and the current political context of planning actions. The author argues that the only viable course for the future to ensure settlement development of a type which takes full account of the interests of society in general, which includes being fully committed to the principle of sustainable development, is to persist in the use of legally binding planning instruments. In addition to the need for planning instruments to be subjected to continuous review and adjustment, there is also the need for more informal companions to the formal instruments of planning, and equally for them to be supplemented by the use of economic instruments and contractual agreements.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Priebs A. Spatial planning and sustainable settlement development: Are today’s planning concepts and procedures worth persevering with?. RuR [Internet]. 1999 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 5];57(4):249–254. Available from:


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