Metropolitan regions, knowledge regions and governance


  • Dietrich Fürst Westermannweg 35, 30419, Hannover



Metropolitan region, Knowledge region, Regional governance, Innovative systems, Co-ordination


Lead question of the contribution is whether and how metropolitan regions are able to resolve the tension between territorially oriented and functionally oriented modes of governance resulting from combining metropolitan regions with the concept of “knowledge regions”. The discussion centers on what does the notion “metropolitan region” convey, which are the requirements put foreward by “knowledge regions”, what conflicts may surge between territorial and functional governance and how do the German metropolitan regions tend to handle those tensions.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Fürst D. Metropolitan regions, knowledge regions and governance. RuR [Internet]. 2008 May 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 14];66(3):219–229. Available from:


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