Success factors of municipal economic policy in East Germany


  • Lorenz Blume Universität Kassel, Nora-Platiel-Straße 4, FB 7, 34109, Kassel



If the value judgements of East German firms on the quality of the economic policy of their municipality (which can be interpreted as “customer satisfaction”) are reflected in figures on the economic policy activities of the municipalities that have been obtained partly from original surveys and partly from official statistics with the aid of multivariate statistical procedures, it becomes clear that the recipe for success in municipal economic policy in East Germany in the period after 1995 was no purely competition-oriented economic policy based on entrepreneurial competition, but rather a balanced mix of traditional (consulting, real-estate policy, infrastructure investments) and modern bundles of measures (city marketing, administrative modernisation, inter-municipal co-operation, public-private partnership). Together these successful activities of municipal economic policy make a noticeable contribution to the local growth of employment (“local policies matter”).


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Geht man davon aus, dass die Mobilität der Produktionsfaktoren zur Zeit noch eher beschränkt ist (vgl. z.B. Blankart, C.B.: Braucht Europa mehr zentralstaatliche Koordination? In: Wirtschaftsdienst 76, 1996, S. 87–91), so wird es fraglich, inwieweit dieses aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht eher zufriedenstellende Bild allein dem verstärkten interkommunalen Wettbewerb, d.h. einem Ausbau der Exit-Option auf kommunaler Ebene, zuzurechnen ist.






Research Article

How to Cite

Blume L. Success factors of municipal economic policy in East Germany. RuR [Internet]. 2004 Jan. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 27];62(1):3–17. Available from: