Between network and organisation

The dynamics of achieving continuity in regional Co-operations


  • Christian Diller Landesplanungsamt, Behörde für Bauen und Verkehr, Alter Steinweg 4, 2-459, Hamburg





In the past decade an astonishing number of new regional co-operations were established all over Germany. Now the question arises how their continuity can be achieved: How can co-operation be anchored in the region in the long term? It is obvious in this connection that the different forms of governance, for instance networks on the one hand and fixed formal organisations on the other, have their specific strengths and weaknesses. This article considers these in detail and formulates possible perspectives for future landscapes of regional governance on this basis.



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Research Article

How to Cite

Diller C. Between network and organisation: The dynamics of achieving continuity in regional Co-operations. RuR [Internet]. 2002 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];60(2):146–154. Available from:


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