Stakeholder Profiles of Commercial Electric Vehicle Users. Similarities and Differences between Taxi Companies and Care Services




Commercial electric vehicle use, Charging infrastructure, Stakeholder profile, User Requirements, Information needs, Care services, Taxi businesses, Aachen


The use of electric vehicles in the commercial sector is ecologically and economically promising. To promote the use, however, good knowledge of the (potential) user groups and their needs is required. This paper bases on a survey in Aachen among decision-makers of care services and taxi companies, that are considering the integration of electric vehicles. The requirements for electric vehicles and the construction of charging infrastructure as well as perceived risks and potentials were analysed. The results are transferred to stakeholder profiles. In addition, information and participation requirements were surveyed. The study shows strong sectoral differences. Both groups need sector-specific information offers. The willingness to change is higher in care services. Their vehicles should be charged on the premises after shifts (usually overnight). Fast charging is not necessary. Practice reports and an overview of subsidy opportunities are required. The taxi operators see more risks than potentials. They need fast-charging vehicles (in a two-shift system). The provision of fast-charging infrastructure at taxi stands is relevant for decision-making. Consultation is needed to avoid conflicts concerning the positioning at taxi stands, the times of use and the procurement of charging electric vehicles.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Niebuhr L, Jakobs E-M. Stakeholder Profiles of Commercial Electric Vehicle Users. Similarities and Differences between Taxi Companies and Care Services. RuR [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];78(5):455-70. Available from:
