Regionalisation of Knowledge-Based Services: The Change of City-Hinterland Relation Within the German Urban System Authors Anna Growe Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Werthmannstraße 4, 79098, Freiburg, Deutschland DOI: Keywords: Regionalisation, Hubs, Space of places, Space of flows, Knowledge economy, City-regions, Germany Abstract This paper examines the emergence of a new urban-rural relationship on the basis of the development of nodes of knowledge-intensive services in the German urban system. It will be discussed whether the relocation of knowledge-based services into regional hinterlands in the German urban system leads to a changed city-hinterland relation. It will be analysed if networks are affected by processes of regionalisation and concentrated deconcentration can be observed in the German urban system. 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