Spatial Proximity of Actors Matters for Sustainable Development The Example of the Ökoprofit Local Management Approach Authors Gerd Lintz Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung, Weberplatz 1, 01217, Dresden, Deutschland Astrid Altenburg Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung, Weberplatz 1, 01217, Dresden, Deutschland DOI: Keywords: Sustainable development, Spatial proximity, Local and regional level, Environmental management, Environmental governance Abstract The literature often points out that the local and regional political levels are important for achieving sustainable development objectives. However, it is not sufficiently clear in what this importance consists. Looking at the example of the Ökoprofit management approach, the article discusses indications that towns, cities and regions do indeed show a specific capacity for facilitating sustainability owing to the spatial proximity of actors. 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Downloads PDF (German) Published 2010-04-30 Issue Vol. 68 No. 2 (2010) Section Policy and practice perspective License Copyright (c) 2010 RuR Editors This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Articles in Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning are published under a Creative Commons license. From Vol. 79 No. 2 (2021), the license applied is CC BY 4.0. From Vol. 77 No. 1 to Vol. 79 No.1, articles were published under a CC BY-SA license. Earlier volumes have been re-published by oekom 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0. How to Cite 1.Lintz G, Altenburg A. Spatial Proximity of Actors Matters for Sustainable Development: The Example of the Ökoprofit Local Management Approach. RuR [Internet]. 2010 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 19];68(2):127–137. 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