Adaptation strategies for spatial development to climate change: „climate proofing” — outline of a new planning tool


  • Jörn Birkmann United Nations University Institut für Umwelt und menschliche Sicherheit (UNU-EHS) UN-Campus, Academic Officer and Head of Section Vulnerability Assessment, Hermann-Ehlers-Straße 10, 53113, Bonn
  • Mark Fleischhauer Fakultät Raumplanung, Technische Universität Dortmund, August-Schmidt-Str. 10, 44227, Dortmund



Climate proofing, Climate change, Adaptation, Resilience, EIA


Climate change means new challenges for spatial planning, plans and programmes and spatial development activities as well. How can climate change impacts and adaptation strategies be assessed and integrated into plans and programmes already today? A buzzword that appears in the latest discussions and concepts is the idea of “climate proofing” that aims at adapting plans and programmes to the future impacts of a changing climate. However, what does “climate proofing” exactly mean? Apart from an analysis of existing concepts for adaptation and climate proofing this article presents a conceptual framework on how the idea of climate proofing can be specifically developed and how it differs from existing impact assessments (e.g. EIA/SEA). The overall question is which contents and conceptual key points shall be featured by a climate proofing approach for the adaptation of spatial development to climate change.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Birkmann J, Fleischhauer M. Adaptation strategies for spatial development to climate change: „climate proofing” — outline of a new planning tool. RuR [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 May 4];67(2):114–127. Available from:

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