Landscape in situ. The contribution of atmospheres to the understanding of the construction of landscape Authors Nora Crossey Universität des Saarlandes Julia Dittel Universität des Saarlandes Rainer Kazig UMR Ambainces - Architectures - Urbanités Pascaline Thiollière Université Grenoble-Alpes Florian Weber Universität des Saarlandes DOI: Keywords: Landscape , Urban landscape, Atmosphere, Constructivism, Theoretical perspective, Empirical approach Abstract This paper puts forward a proposal for the consideration of atmospheres within the analysis of the social construction of landscape(s). Starting out from an overview of approaches in constructivist landscape research, focusing on the German speaking world, we may confirm an increased interest in the role of subjective multisensorial experience with regard to constructions of landscape(s), which has, however, not yet been reflected in current research approaches. The concept of atmosphere, with its consideration of multisensorial in situ-encounters, may be able to contribute to the scholarly discussion. Following a presentation of core ideas of the concept of atmosphere(s), we show that, on a conceptual level, the conscious experience of atmospheres and their effects may inform the construction of landscapes. Furthermore, in a methodological section we illustrate on the basis of two exploratory examples, how the influence of atmospheres on subjective constructions of landscape(s) may be empirically accessible. The paper closes with a discussion of our proposal within current trajectories of the Anglophone landscape geography. Downloads Download data is not yet available. References Berger, P. L.; Luckmann, T. (1966): The Social Construction of Reality. A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. New York. Bille, M.; Simonsen, K. (2021): Atmospheric Practices: On Affecting and Being Affected. In: Space and Culture 24, 2, 295–309. Blotevogel, H. 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Downloads PDF (German) HTML (German) XML (German) Published Issue publication date 2022-10-28 (version 2)Published online first 2022-06-17 (version 1) Versions 2022-10-28 (2) 2022-06-17 (1) Issue Vol. 80 No. 5 (2022) Section Research Article License Copyright (c) 2022 Nora Corssey, Julia Dittel, Rainer Kazig, Pascaline Thiollière, Florian Weber This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Articles in Raumforschung und Raumordnung – Spatial Research and Planning are published under a Creative Commons license. From Vol. 79 No. 2 (2021), the license applied is CC BY 4.0. From Vol. 77 No. 1 to Vol. 79 No.1, articles were published under a CC BY-SA license. Earlier volumes have been re-published by oekom 2022 under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0. How to Cite 1.Crossey N, Dittel J, Kazig R, Thiollière P, Weber F. Landscape in situ. The contribution of atmospheres to the understanding of the construction of landscape. RuR [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];80(5):559-72. Available from: More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Share
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