Current evolutions of centrality in the federal state Saarland — first results of an empirical study


  • Olaf Kühne Referat C/2 — Landesplanung, Ministerium für Umwelt, Keplerstraße 18, 66117, Saarbrücken



Saarland, centrality, central places, regional planning, structural change


This article presents the results of an investigation of the central places in the federal state Saarland. With this, it is elaborated both on the centrality of offers on basis of the dispersion factor and on the centrality of demand due to a quantitative-empirical investigation. Compared to survey conducted in 1977 certain changes concerning centrality have been turned out in the Saarland. Those changes can also be found in the current regional development plan: The interlacing fields on tier of the secondary centres are indistinct, interlacing fields on tier of the basic centres let to prove, numerous basic centres and secondary centres follow their normative function only inadequately. Due to the clear modifications of the centrality of numerous places a continuous monitoring of the centrality is suggested as an instrument of the politics deliberation.


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Policy and practice perspective

How to Cite

Kühne O. Current evolutions of centrality in the federal state Saarland — first results of an empirical study. RuR [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];66(5):450–459. Available from:


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